The #1 Reason Warehouse Networks Fail—And How to Fix It!

IT server team at the center of warehouse processes

Mar 11, 2025 by khinds

Warehouse Network Disrupting Operations? Here’s How Managed Services Can Help!

Let’s not sugarcoat it — warehouse network glitches are the worst! Shipments get mislabeled. Workers can’t move orders as fast as they’d like to. Cargos become untrackable in real time. Orders take longer to arrive, and some even end up in incorrect destinations. Customers are frustrated. Everyone’s upset and thinks you’re the weak link in the supply chain.

Thankfully, warehouse network performance issues — as terrible as they are — have a silver lining. They can be your wake-up call to finally switch to managed IT services so you can bid farewell to stressful operational disruptions.

At Mirazon, we understand that dramatic changes can scare even the most battle-tested business owners. But we assure you that graduating from your current on-premise IT infrastructure is less inconvenient than you may think.

Discover the 5 Ways Managed Services Can Benefit Your Business

Supercharging IT Support for Warehouses

Can a managed services provider (MSP) better handle warehouse networks than in-house teams? A resounding yes!

Taming a complex beast like a warehouse network is a mammoth undertaking. Often, the job is too big for an enterprise’s IT department. Most organizations have understaffed IT teams to minimize payroll costs. The median pay of IT professionals can reach six digits, leading many companies to hire just one IT professional for every 50 to 100 employees or more.

Even if you hire four more for the same workforce size, it’s impossible for five persons to keep your warehouse network running smoothly 365 days a year. Such a small group lacks the bandwidth to keep an eye on every cause for concern you should think about – not to mention the effort of trying to get everything up and running quickly after a sudden network outage.

When you work with an MSP, you can simultaneously play offense and defense to improve your security posture. It’s like having a razor-sharp spear and an impenetrable shield to neutralize threat actors. At Mirazon, we value proactive network monitoring to stop failures before they happen. We lend you muscle and expertise to hunt threats lurking undetected in your networks.

Our team works tirelessly to monitor your critical systems 24/7. We implement intrusion detection and prevention systems, among other advanced techniques, to respond to threats swiftly.

Learn how to take your business to the next level with managed IT services.

Reimagining Warehouse Network Security

A chaotic warehouse network isn’t prone to outages and breaches by accident.

Some IT solutions work for logistics better than others. However, the Mirazon IT consulting team generally recommends the following to make warehouse network management a breeze:

Network Design and Segmentation

Here’s an interesting fact — 85% of CEOs realize they must take drastic cybersecurity measures to grow and expand further.

Acknowledging when your existing setup no longer serves you is crucial to reducing network disruptions in warehouses. At Mirazon, we can visit your facilities to audit your warehouse network, learn about your operational needs, and offer improvement recommendations.

cover of Mirazon’s PDF guide to optimizing warehouse Wi-Fi
Click to download our PDF guide to optimizing your warehouse wifi.

We aim to strike the right balance between unifying your networks and partitioning your systems. This winning formula allows us to craft a suitable, layered security strategy for your organization, ensure continuous data flows, and limit damage if a breach occurs. It makes your in-house team’s life easier when figuring out how to fix warehouse connectivity issues.

Cloud Migration

Are you hesitant to adopt cloud solutions for warehouse management because of downtime? We hear you! That’s why we make it our mission to ensure this process is as smooth as possible.

With Mirazon’s scalable IT solutions, you can seamlessly move your platforms, databases, and apps to the cloud in no time. Leave sophisticated hardware investing to us. Just let us know when you need more resources to soup up your network immediately.

Network Traffic Control

Did you experience warehouse network problems during the Super Bowl? You’re probably too generous with your bandwidth!

As much as you want your workers to get their football fix, you don’t want them to bog down your internet.

As your MSP, Mirazon manages your company’s traffic data. We prioritize your cloud and mission-critical applications over others to reduce the risk of network congestion, minimizing warehouse connectivity woes — be it football season or not.

If you made it this far, it may be time to admit your existing IT operations are failing you. Here’s how MSPs take the burden off your internal IT.

Educating Nontechnical Employees

Untrained non-IT workers can flush your network optimization efforts down the drain. After all, it’s easier to trick a less tech-savvy person into clicking a malicious link than to bypass a well-guarded firewall.

On average, 55% of a company’s nonsecurity personnel haven’t received cybersecurity awareness training. Cybercriminals love the path of least resistance, so it’s only wise to make your workforce more resistant to social engineering attacks.

At Mirazon, we can train your warehouse workers about the basics of cybersecurity to empower them to make wiser decisions — such as spotting dubious email attachments and being mindful of what they post online — to reduce your company’s exposure to risk.

Why Team Up With Mirazon?

Mirazon has been advising organizations on how to leverage IT solutions since 2000. Although we now serve clients worldwide, our HQ is still in Louisville, Kentucky. We’ve never left home because we remain true to our core values. So, even though we have the resources of an established corporation, you’ll receive the level of care and attention you expect from a local managed services provider in Louisville.

Give us a ring today to discuss your unique business needs and discover our winning strategy for managing the varying networks of startups, emerging enterprises, and Fortune 500 companies!

Put an end to network disruptions for good.

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