Choosing the Right Virtual Machine Migration Path

Choosing the Right Virtualization

Aug 1, 2024 by Brent Earls

By now, you’ve probably heard what Broadcom has done to your (possibly) beloved VMware. Layoffs, divestitures, portal changes, and, most notably, price increases. No matter how VMware tries to spin this, unless you already have every product in the VMware suite, this was a massive and unbudgeted price increase for everyone.

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There was hardly any notice either, so even if the price increase wasn’t unbearable, you didn’t have time to budget for it since the gap between the announcement and the live date was less than a month. This has led many people to the natural conclusion that many reach when vendors treat their customers this poorly: “We should move to something else.”

It’s a valid sentiment—hit them where it hurts. “They don’t value our relationship, so why should I reward them by continuing to be a customer?” The problem with this idea is that VMware is a core part of your infrastructure that has dominated the market for a long time. This means there are many things to consider when thinking about moving to a competitor.

Understanding the Impact

Before making any decisions, it’s important to understand how VMware’s recent changes impact your organization. The sudden price increases and lack of notice can disrupt your budgeting and financial planning, but it’s not just about the cost—it can also affect your overall IT strategy and operations. This might make you consider looking into VMware competitors or VMware alternatives to find a better fit for your needs.

A Comprehensive Plan

While the initial reaction might be to move away from VMware, this decision requires careful planning. Migrating from VMware or considering an alternative for VMware, which is such an integral part of your infrastructure, involves significant undertakings and critical questions beyond just the “Why”:

Who: Which vendor are you going to move to?

What: What product(s) are you going to use? Are you evaluating the best VMware alternative for your business?

When: Do you have time to do this? Can you complete it before your renewal?

Where: Where are you going to put your VMs?

How: How are you going to do this migration?

All of these questions play into a migration away from VMware, and all of them impact your ROI (Return on Investment) for actually moving. If migrating away from VMware costs as much as paying VMware renewals for five years, is it a good decision? In the fast-paced IT world, knee-jerk reactions often aren’t the right ones.

Moving Forward

In this blog series, we’ll explore each of these questions in detail to help you gather the information you need to make an informed decision. We’ll weigh the costs and benefits of staying with VMware versus migrating away, providing you with a comprehensive guide to navigating this complex process.

If you’d like more information about the evolving changes coming from VMware and how it may impact your IT infrastructure, please contact us by calling (502) 240-0404 or emailing

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