Meet Our Stellar Team: Driving Innovation, Building Success

Discover the stories and expertise of the people who define excellence at Mirazon

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Systems Engineer

Megan Morgan

Hey, I’m Megan, and I started working at Mirazon in October 2023.

In 2012, I began my journey in the world of networking, starting at an entry-level position in a NOC with absolutely no prior experience in the field. The subject matter immediately ignited my curiosity, and the presence of brilliant mentors who were eager to support my growth encouraged me to continuously expand my knowledge. Unintentionally, I found myself constructing a successful career in the process.

Before joining the Mirazon team, I spent approximately 11.5 years as a network engineer at a managed service provider. What I enjoy most about my job is building firewalls, solving routing challenges, and keeping detailed notes along the way. Beyond the world of networking, my spare time is filled with activities that keep me active and refreshed. I’m an enthusiast of running, biking, hiking, and lifting weights. However, the true highlight is spending time with my dog, who has a perpetual desire for me to start throwing a ball and never stop.

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Favorite Food

Hot sandwiches, especially when they have some sort of uncommon/interesting bread

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Favorite Music

The sound of my dog singing the songs of his ancestors. He has a beautiful voice

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Dream Vacation

Road tripping and camping with my dog

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